Here at Richmond’s number one supplement store, we spend a lot of time talking about all the different types of workout supplements, and what they are used for. One thing you may not have heard us mention as much in the past is fish oil. There are so many great supplements available to help with a variety of health concerns, and fish oil is by far one of our favorites. We’re here today to talk about all the amazing benefits that fish oil has to offer, but before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s talk for a minute about what exactly fish oil is.
What Is Fish Oil?
Fish oil is an oil that is sourced from fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel, and anchovies. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which have been proven to help with various conditions, most commonly inflammation in the body. Fish oil is usually found in either liquid or capsule form, neither of which has been proven to be more effective than the other. If you’re interested in giving it a try, come see us at your top spot for supplements in Richmond. Now that we’ve gone over the basics of fish oil, let’s find out about some of the ways it can benefit you.
What Are The Benefits?
Fish oil has been linked to tons of health benefits, but here are just a few of the most important ones.
It Helps Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation or chronic inflammation, which is a term for inflammation that lasts anywhere from months to years, is often associated with things like diabetes or heart conditions. Omega-3 in fatty fish has been found to be able to help by blocking some aspects of inflammation. That being said, it’s safe to say that increasing your intake of Omega-3 through supplements here in Richmond such as fish oils could be incredibly beneficial to your overall health.
It May Help Slow Down Muscle Loss
As we age, there are a lot of changes that we need to worry about surrounding our physical health. One thing in particular is that with aging comes the loss of muscle mass as well as function. As we slowly lose our muscle function and mass, our chance for falls and injury greatly increases. Not only does it increase the chance of injury but also the length of recovery, and even risk of death. Fish oil supplements have been shown to slow the normal age-driven decline in muscle mass and function.
It May Lower Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is no joke. It can damage your arteries, and in turn decrease the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart. When your heart isn’t getting the blood and oxygen it needs you can end up developing heart disease, which can lead to surgery, and in many cases death. Taking fish oil supplements has actually been linked to lower blood pressure. We don’t know about you, but here at Richmond’s top spot for supplements we stand behind anything that can help keep us healthy and active as long as possible.
The list of benefits that come with using fish oil supplements goes on. From improving your mental health all the way to improving your eye health we could go on all day about how great fish oil is, but at the end of the day your health is in your own hands. We love to see our customers happy and healthy, so if you are interested in trying out some fish oil supplements for yourself, feel free to come say hi at your favorite store for supplements in Richmond and we will be beyond happy to answer any questions you may have regarding how they can help you.